Sacramento Area CoDA Intergroup (SACI)

Step 12:

"Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this
message to other co-dependents, and to practice these principles in all our affairs..”


The Sacramento Area CoDA Intergroup (SACI) is a fellowship of people whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships. They choose to do service by supporting meetings throughout the region. SACI volunteers have found value in their personal recovery and seek to share the CoDA Program with others. A key aspect of the CoDA program is members sharing their experience, strength, and hope with one another, which helps foster personal growth and healing.

In CoDA (Co-Dependents Anonymous), members come together to support each other in their journey towards healthier relationships and improved well-being. By sharing their personal experiences, the strength they've gained through recovery, and the hope they've found in the program, CoDA members provide mutual support and encouragement.

This sharing is a fundamental part of the recovery process, allowing individuals to learn from one another, gain new perspectives, and find comfort in knowing they are not alone in their struggles. SACI volunteers, having benefited from their own recovery experiences, are committed to extending this support to others in the community. Through their service work and by sharing their own stories of growth and healing, they help newcomers and long-time members alike to navigate the challenges of codependency and work towards more fulfilling relationships.

Strengthen Your Recovery

You're Worth It!

SACI volunteers have found value in their personal recovery and seek to share the CoDA Program with others. Just as the only requirement to attend meetings is to build healthy and fulfilling relationships, we welcome you contributing an hour or two each month.

  • Stability: Service work provides stability in recovery. As one CoDA member shared, they came to appreciate how stabilizing their CoDA service work was to their life, especially when they needed all the stability they could get.
  • Sense of purpose: By volunteering and helping others, individuals in recovery gain a sense of purpose and feel they are making a positive contribution to the community.
  • Continued learning: By participating in service work, individuals can continue to learn about themselves, their patterns, and their recovery journey.
  • Accountability: Regular service commitments can provide structure and accountability, which are often beneficial in maintaining recovery.
  • Practicing healthy relationships: Service work allows individuals to practice building healthy relationships in a safe environment, which is a core aspect of CoDA recovery.
  • Reinforcing program principles: Engaging in service work helps reinforce the principles learned through the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, integrating them more deeply into one's life.
  • Personal growth: Taking on responsibilities and working with others in service roles can foster personal growth, boost self-esteem, and develop leadership skills.
  • Giving back: Service work provides an opportunity to give back to the program that has helped in one's recovery, creating a sense of gratitude and connection to the community.

SACI Business Meeting

Sacramento Area CoDA Intergroup (SACI) is a group of men and women who have found value in working the Co-Dependents Anonymous 12 Step Program. This group chooses to do service by supporting recovery meetings in the area extending from Mt. Shasta to Fresno, to the California – Nevada border.

Everyone is invited to attend our monthly meeting held the second Thursday of each month:

6:30 pm Business Meeting

Online (via Zoom)
Please contact Chairperson for Link

Everyone is welcome to attend the monthly SACI Business Meeting held online. The purpose of SACI is to support CoDA groups in the Sacramento Valley and nearby region. Each group is encouraged to designate a volunteer to attend the meeting.

“It is not what any one of us can do, rather how we can open doors to those who want to contribute.”


Be the Light of Service

Co-Dependents Anonymous is a fellowship of people whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships.  CoDA encourages being involved in serving the CoDA Community, sharing the value each one of us has found by attending meetings and working the program. 

Start a Meeting Near You

CoDA meetings were all started by people just like you – those who sought to give back to the community the value they found by attending meetings.  We encourage those who have been involved with CoDA service to be available to lend a helping hand and provide useful suggestions for starting a new meeting.  Scholarships are available! For more information, attend a SACI business meeting.